Tamarind Water

I didn’t grow up with Tamarind water. I actually hadn’t tried it until recently, thanks to Mountain Man. These little fruits are delicious. They taste like liquid fruit leather, Yum!

If you’ve never tried or had tamarind water before, I think you need to! I’m in love.

Tamarinds are a great source of antioxidants, are claimed to lower cholesterol, and aid in digestion, so cheers!

Tamarind Water-1Tamarind Water-2Remove the outer shell and veins to get to the fruit inside.

Tamarind Water-3Tamarind Water-4I think it’s pretty fun cracking them open, and feel free to nibble on one too!

Tamarind Water-5Steep the tamarinds in very hot water ~160*F until softened, around 20 minutes. Pour the fruit and water over a colander/screen with something to collect the tea underneath. Mash the fruit over the screen. You really just want to separate the seeds from the pulp.

Tamarind Water-6Use another bowl and pour the first bowl’s liquid over the mashed fruit. You want to wash the mushed fruit and juices down.

Tamarind Water-7Repeat this as many times as you’d like, but realize there is diminishing returns as far as flavor goes.

Add sugar and stir until dissolved.

Pour into a glass of ice and enjoy.

Tamarind Water-8

Tamarind Water

Rating: 51


  • 1 lb of tamarinds
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 1 liter water


  1. Remove the outer shell and veins to get to the fruit inside.
  2. Steep the tamarinds in very hot water ~160*F until softened, around 20 minutes.
  3. Pour the fruit and water over a colander/screen with something to collect the tea underneath.
  4. Mash the fruit over the screen.
  5. Use another bowl and pour the first bowl's liquid over the mashed fruit.
  6. Dissolve sugar in the tamarind.
  7. Let chill and serve.